Saturday, October 13, 2012

Some Thoughts

I was thinking from many days to write something, but wasn't getting time for it. One of the best things about IT industry is you have a 5 day week which gives you 2 days full of leisure. I was looking for this day with special anxiety as I had to go to office last Sunday to perform a smoke test. But, now I am having little difficulty to decide what to write. I should have jotted down the topics that were coming to mind earlier. While I was reading 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari', there was one quote of Robin Sharma about our thoughts that I like very much. he says a human mind thinks. We think every time. But, it is just plain redundancy. Most of the things that we think in a day are same what we thought about yesterday. So, basically writing keeps a record and pushes you think more and in new areas. I think everyone should write sometime. I had always wanted to write a diary, so that when I look back into my life after 10-20 years, I have some record. But, I never had  the consistency and the notebooks being tangible are prone to wear and tear so I  shifted to blogs. It is a safe way to preserve your thoughts.

Thoughts are an important part of our life. They represent our consciousness. Like we have a face, we have a consciousness. The ability to think is only developed in humans and that makes us different from other organisms. We should always respect what we are given by the almighty. Moreover, writing if developed can become an art. The things which a good writer can do just by his words are spell-bounding. There is an ancient saying, " A pen is mightier than a sword". When a person writes, he is preserving his thoughts, his abilities, his visions and much more. Every other person who will read it will capture these thoughts and will make them their own. Now, he will start from where the author left. The reader will not have to start from scratch, he will not have to reinvent the wheel. This is one of the ways, knowledge has been passed on from generation to generation.

This earth has had around 108 billion people. The problems we are facing or faced would have been faced by some of them for sure. So, why not gain from their mistakes, why not learn from their experience. This can be only be done by knowing their thoughts(reading), visualizing what they thought, combining all the thoughts to think something new and then passing it to future generations. If we follow this, we can take our race to the levels we can never think of. The amount which is spent on wars and military each year is colossal ($1.74 trillion). Just think if we can put even a fraction of that amount for advancement of humans, we could have been living in a new era.

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