Saturday, October 20, 2012

India a Superpower

Few days ago I watched a video of Ramachandra Guha, an acclaimed historian of India. He was in UBC for a lecture on "Ten Reasons why India will not and must not become a superpower". In this lecture he discusses the major ten reasons which are roadblocking  India's path to become a superpower. My cousin recommended me to watch this video. Mr. Guha tells us about the following 10 biggest hurdles in face of India:

  • Insurgency 
  • Right wing religious parties
  • Decline and fall of democratic center and conversion of political parties to family firms. 
  • Degradation of public  institutions
  • Growing gap b/w poor and rich. 
  • Rapid pace of environmental degradation
  • Apathy of media
  • Political fragmentation 
  • Unreconciled borderlands
  • Unstable neighborhoods

These are actually some serious problems but I believe India can overcome these, just a strong will to succeed is required. But how can Mr. Guha says "must not" become superpower. The first question that comes to my mind is that Ramachandra Guha is a cynic who does not believes in the potential of India. But as the fogs of patriotism started to clear away, a different reality started to emerge  in my mind. Why is the whole world obsessed with the notion of a country becoming superpower. The Americans are behind this; after the collapse of USSR, US is boasting of its power all over the world. They are responsible for creating a mirage in the minds of the people(especially from the developing world) that being a superpower is the ultimate sophistication.

You pick any newspaper or magazine, it will be filled with news of India-China, US- China or even US-India comparisons; how India is lagging behind China in the superpower race. But I feel is it necessary to become a superpower? Are there no great nations except US in the world to model. I greatly respect US in its achievements in the field of science and economy especially. They have a great lifestyle and have given a lot to the world. But, do we need to model ourselves completely after them? No. Every country is different and it will require different and focused effort to reform it. I personally believe Canada is a better example for us. It is a cool country not just in terms of weather but politically also. Why do you want to stick your nose into others matters? Let them live as they want. What will India achieve after becoming superpower?

A great nation is not a nation who dominates others but where people are happy. A country which is for the people, not for the interest of some top ranking officials. So, I want India to better focus on progressing its people rather than dreaming of world domination by becoming a superpower. The middle ages are far behind. In the future there will be no next UK or USA, but the world will become more stable. I visualize the world collaborating together to solve the problems of future and India should play a greater role in that which can only happen if it becomes more prosperous. So, lets hope India comes out of this mirage and face reality as soon as possible.

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