Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Religion is a powerful thing. The history is the proof of the impact that the religion has caused on this world. It has influenced everyone from the creative artists in renaissance, to the great rulers of the Middle ages. Every civilization on this earth has the marks of being associated with religion. But is there really a supreme entity like God or it is just a myth created by humans for their own prospects. If there is a God, then why he/she is hidden. Why doesn't he comes to the front? Where is he/she? I really don't know which gender to use for him/her. I have heard that according to Bible, there were two brothers God and Devil who created this world and on a personal bet they had a competition who saw that no one will directly interfere but just influence them to see which side they will go. That seems an interesting theory.

While if we see more clearly, sometimes it seems like all of this is fraud. These gods are just a creation of human mind. As our civilized society needs law to function properly like that human mind needs religion to work in moral bounds. The religion could have been created just to contain the humans so that they do not believe themselves as the most superior and commit whatever they want. The presence of god created a fear in minds of people to do what is right, to live morally. In fact, the absence of god would have made this society chaotic. Everywhere there would be dissonance. The strong would have been ruling the weak. Even now, this is the rule of nature, but it would have been more extreme. The crime would be on its highest peak. So, we can say that maybe some visionaries of earlier ages foresaw this and made religion as a solution.

On one side religion is responsible for morality in world; It is under the influence of religion only that people donate a lot especially in India and help the poor. While a little north west of India, we can see what can happen if we interpret religion in wrong way. The terrorism is now considered as one of the major problems of world. The 2002 riots of Gujarat were an example of how religion can influence a man to commit such grave acts. No religion says that kill other person of other faith. I don't know why people are so rigid in their perspective. I have seen people who never consider the other side of equation, they just think they are always correct and the one of the biggest miracle of this world is that they find a lot of idiots who follow these people blindly.

Like all the people in this world, I also don't have a concrete answer for it. Sometimes, I am in this basket, other times i am in other. I am right now sandwiched between traditions and the practicality. One I have got from my family which I cannot leave behind. But the other I discovered while learning which I cannot ignore. I can't say whether it is there or not, but it has impacted the world in a way, no other thing could have.  Religion is a wide topic and I have lots of thoughts regarding it but I will keep them for some other time. Till that time I can say that I am an agnostic Indian.

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