Sunday, June 10, 2012

Riddle Called Life

Even after 22 years, I don't know how to live this life. People say that the world is full of mysteries, but I think the most difficult challenge is life. The ultimate answer to this riddle is still not found. I just want a set of instructions that will absolutely lead to the expected results. But that is the beauty of life, there is no one concrete answer, you have to change with the situation. I mean people say be a good person. Now what is good here? In computers term, good is a variable here, that just keeps on changing. The trick lies to adapt yourself too quickly with the situation. I hope it comes with experience. How should a person live his life? Some people spend their whole life in gaining knowledge, while some live to enjoy. They don't think what will happen in future, they squander the money. I believe both the ways are correct, as like trekking a mountain, the fun is not when you reach the peak, the fun is in the journey. So, do what makes you happy, rather than trying to do  what makes others happy. I mean maybe roaming around here and there will be fun for someone, but maybe not for you. Live the life fullest according to the way you want, otherwise you will repent later. If you want to do something, which is right, but others are saying you should not, take their advice, listen to them, but do what your mind says.   People will always criticise/object your actions. Pay no heed to them, do what you want. When you are being criticised, you can be sure that you are growing up.

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