Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Rise of America - Triumph of Freedom

I have a great respect for people who are brilliant and have achieved something. People who set aside from the common path to achieve their passion. If we talk in terms of Robert Frost, the people who chose the road less travelled. Here are two lines of his poem, depicting the sentiment.

                   I took the one less traveled by, 
              And that has made all the difference.

A nation is made up of people, it's most important natural resources. If there are ambitious people in a country having the right skills, they can even turn problems into oppurtunities. One such nation is United States of America - the land of opportunities. The land of freedom.
US came into existence on July 4, 1776 declaration of Independence was adopted. From the beginning, America was at a different path. It led to genesis of democracy, an entirely new system of governance which led the center of power to shift in hands of people. This new regime based on the foundations of equality and freedom attracted people from all over the world. Lot of people migrated to US and settled there. These people were also responsible for rise of US as these people were full of passion and energy and wanted to their lives in a new land. These people contributed a lot; even today there are very few native Americans left, most Americans are descendents of those immigrants.
It was US which gave the world consumer rights. It was US which gave the world nuclear bomb. It was US which gave us the Internet. But the recent crisis creates some doubts on its credibility. The media is filled with the predictions by all gurus.
I believe America can rebound, and it will rebound strongly.America has all the basic ingredients to rule the world. But they have lost their focus right now on trivial things.What they need is a total overhaul.
Why I am acting like a pro supporter of US? I like that nation. I believe they need to be thanked for the major technological and medical inventionsthey provided. US spends most on welfare for other countries in form of foreign aid. I am not denying the fact that they have done some hideous acts, but the benefits far outweigh the losses. We need America either this one or some other, which can act a leader in world, which motivates us daily to take our country at that level.
No country is perfect, but I believe the contributions of America will be remembered ever.

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