Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I know there are somethings in this world which one can never get, but only dream, or am I wrong. Can a person do anything he wants? Is this true that determination can do anything? I believe yes and no both. It depends on the situation. Is luck really out there or everything is random. Sometimes I feel, what is random? well, if we go in its meaning, random means unplanned, a situation in which we cannot predict the next outcome. Some people relate it with luck. In computers we can generate random numbers through a simple algorithm. Just take the system time and date in numeric form and apply some long calculations on it. As the system date and time changes, the number pattern changes. Moreover, the calculations are so long that one cannot deduce the next number easily, but it is still predictable. So, what else will we call random?? Outcome of a dice? Or is there any way we can predict it? I am gonna think about that.  

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