Sunday, September 16, 2012


From now on I have decided to make regular interval reports to see how am i using my time. What actually I am doing.This will help me in the same way companies use analytics to see their progress. So, for me today started when I woke up at 11 O' clock. I had slept late yesterday night after watching the fourth installment of Mission Impossible Series - The Ghost Protocol. After that I freshened up and had breakfast of fried rice with tea. Then, I took up the newspaper - Economic Times. The newspaper was full of opinions of various people on the new reform agenda unveiled on Friday by the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Then, I just had a glance on the 'The Hindu'.

After that, I heard voices coming from kitchen, so I moved there. I saw my freiends preparing something for lunch as cook is on leave on Sunday. We prepared chapatis and heated the tinned curry of 'Kadi Pakoda'. It was delicious. After I had lunch it was around 3 PM. Post lunch, all my friends went to do their daily chores. I also came back to my room and started reading the biography of Steve Jobs. I read about the development of iPhone and cancer complexities of Steve Jobs. After that I started to just browse the internet and watched some videos on YouTube on Apple. I have also started downloading the Windows 8: Preview Edition. Let's See how is the newest edition of Windows is actually.

Then, I saw a ted video on how the usage of thorium reactors can change the energy scenario in the world and can even help us to form colonies in the world. It is five minutes to 5PM now and I am just writing this blog. I have to also send the courier to the mobile guys and I have to rearrange stuff in my closet. I cant believe how fast time passes on. Tomorrow, I have to go office again the weekend is over. :(

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