Saturday, August 17, 2013

Spread of Ideas in the World

The 17th and 18th  centuries were a period of ideas and revolution, people started challenging their beliefs and started questioning the church. Finally after remaining dormant for so long, the human spirit of curiosity was taking over the brainwashed minds of people. As with any new change, people were reluctant at first with this new change in their lives. These ideas first affected the intellectuals of the age and gradually they came to common people.

One of the most radical ideas to affect the common man was science. Of course science was there from a long time, but it was not in the grass roots levels. It was being opposed by religion and superstitions at every step, countless of great minds lost their life due to the interference of Church. But people who believe in their ideas, don't stop on petty things like death. They keep pushing on their ideas and become immortal. Just take the example of Socrates who consumed poison rather than accept lies. With the advent of Industrial Revolution, science became a necessity and people realized that they cannot ignore it. The theories of scientists like Charles Darwin, Issac Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci influenced people and brought them closer to rational thinking.

Another idea that came into prominence in 18th century was 'Democracy'. The idea that all people are equal and they have a right to live the life as they want. Democracy enabled the people to vote and select the governments. It was a radical change from the despotism of the earlier ages. The Independence of America from Britain showed the whole world this new idea. The French Revolution further strengthened this idea and many people started seeing this new way of life. People started demanding their rights and revolutions started erupting all across the Europe. Governments first ignored this,but the success of French revolution shocked the whole continent. Kings and Queens were amazed, how the powerful king Louis XVI was executed publicly. As a result of this and other numerous acts, monarch across whole Europe started a parliament with representatives from people. Britain took a lead in this and started House of Lords and House of Commons (however they were started earlier than this period, but it further strengthened their power).

But even, after the democracy the progress in the standard and liberty of living was not as expected. The people who were given responsibility of the unions usually did not remember the same once they occupied top positions and quelled the protests by their own people. Moreover, the industrial revolution had changed the world and the capitalism had brought new challenges with it . The workers condition was deteriorating day by day and the concepts of liberty and equality were not being applied at all. Few intellectuals then realized that a change in ideas was required to conquer these new challenges. Thus, came 'Socialism'to birth. Socialism started with a simple idea that capitalism is evil. Private individuals only keep their profits in mind and don't work for the well-being of society. Moreover, cut throat competition in the society is not good as it results in wastage of efforts. In spite of this, state should take control of resources, production and services and thus distribute wealth equally to the people.

Intellectuals believed that this will bring an order to the society and fill the gap which democracy was not able to fill. Democracy believed that all people are equal and thus should share equal rights. But, in reality, it is not like that people are different as a result of their upbringing and their nature which also depends on their culture, family, education and myriad other factors. There will be a lot of difference between a person who is educated and the other who is not. Thus, if states takes the production and services in its hand, it can distribute it much evenly. Slowly this idea started to spread like fire especially in Russia where Lenin imposed it after the Russian Revolution.

Another idea that came during this Age of Enlightenment was 'Anarchism'. This idea was based on the idea that the best government is one which does not interferes at all . The people following this idea believed that there should be no government at all and individuals should be responsible for their and other's freedom and rights. This started with a noble idea and lot was discussed about this, but it never became popular as its whole concept was based on the existence of such an Utopian society where people are not selfish and people want to live in peace. Moreover, few groups believing in the anarchism started to become aggressive in their approach. Slowly, people forgot the real meaning behind this philosophy and attached it with violence and chaos which is still true today. Even in dictionary, anarchy means : "A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority."

Another great personality of this age was a German scholar Karl Marx who gave birth to Marxism. Karl wrote books like 'Das Kapital' and Communist Manifesto which appealed to workers all around the world for their rights. The ideas for marxism were taken in socialism and a large gathering followed his set of ideas.

Thus, we can say that this period affected the people of this world and changed the way we are living today.  An order of change came in the world and people moved from the past and accepted the future. An era had came to end, and new was just beginning.

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