Monday, April 15, 2013

Technology: The Game Changer

Communicating with others is one of the basic human traits. In today's 21st century, technology has brought radical changes in the way, we used to interact with each other.

In earlier times, the main medium of communication was face to face and letters in case if it is not possible. But with the growth of human world, Letters and other written form of communication started becoming less effective due to the delay involved. Technology overcame this barrier with the inventions of Telephone and Internet. These two inventions brought the delay in communication to a fraction of seconds. These changes have shrunk the size of world.

These changes have changed the way not just the way we communicate, but also the way we form relationships with others. With the rise in popularity of social networks, people have got an online platform where anyone can find other people from anywhere across the world. This has opened up a lot of opportunities for people to interact with anyone, anywhere and anytime. Today, if anyone wants to make a friend with similar interests, they are just a click away. The video chat has allowed people today, to interact with each other again in a face to face manner. Today, people form relationships online and  even marry online.

These changes clearly depict the way we are changing and communicating in this globalized world. The technology has brought down the barriers and  increased our social circle to a global level by providing us the 3 As: Anywhere, Anytime and Affordability.

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