The only thing constant in this world is change. Change is the reality of life. Nothing is eternal in this world. i completely agree with the Darwin when he quotes : “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” Change is the glue which has woven the fabric of world. Even pain occurs due to change. We feel pain as the mind tells us something is different, something is not right. Pain is just a sensation of change.
It is clear that change occurs but the most interesting thing about change is its timing. It just happens at the time when we least expect it to occur. That's why it hurts a lot. We don't expect it and lower our defenses and that is the time when the change strikes. So what can we do about it? Nothing. The only thing we can do is to embrace it and accept it as a bitter part of life. God has gifted us with cure named 'Adaptation'. But it needs practice, patience and self control.
After some time we will develop the ability to adapt and face the change head on. Then only we can hope to live successfully because change is everywhere, everything and for everyone.